Late November, WhatsApp introduced another update which allows users to disable the Read receipts option from Settings -> Account -> Privacy; that is, the sender will not know if a message has been read by a user who has disabled Read receipts. However, there is a drawback - the user who disables Read receipts will not know if his/her messages are read by the recipients (regardless of whether or not the recipient has disabled the Read receipts option). This update is not yet available through the stores, you will have to manually download the latest version from WhatsApp website.
I have found a way which will enable you to read a message and the
sender will not see Blue Ticks against that message, all this without disabling
the Read receipts option. Better yet, you will still be able to see blue ticks
against your messages whenever your recipients read them unless they have
disabled Read receipts on their phone. Here is what you have to do when you
receive a new message notification:
Step 1: Turn
off Mobile Data/Wi-Fi
Step 2: Open
Step 3: Go
to the desired conversation
Step 4: Long-press
and delete those newly received messages which you want the sender to see as
unread (without blue ticks). You can even delete the entire conversation after
reading the messages but this will not work for group chat as you will end up
exiting the group. Then turn on Mobile Data/Wi-Fi and continue using WhatsApp
as normal.
It works! wow!!!
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